All available offers can be consulted on our website at the following address:
Below are our always valid promotions:
- from 3 to 12 years: in all Bluserena summer Resorts, big discounts for children from 3 to 12 years in 3rd, 4th and 5th bed. Discover the offer
- Free cancellation up to 30 days before the holiday. Discover the offer
- 40% discount on the second stay for one person in summer 2024. Discover the offer
SNOW, WINTER 2023/2024
You can find more about the offers at the following link:
- Offers and discounts of up to 75%: for children up to 12 years old; Discover the offer
- Adults and kids, up to 40%. Discover the offer
- Adult+child 40% discount. Discover the Offer
- Family Suites, give yourself to the best! Discover the details here